28 May 2007

Rock Climbing...

This was from a few weeks ago with some friends at the cliffs near Golden, CO.

Brady showing off his flexibility on the most difficult face of the day.

Maciej checking on Gary below.

A view from the top. The clifs are near the top of a large mesa that overlooks the town of Golden. In this picture, you can see Denver in the background.

Another view from the base of the cliffs. The cliff base is really quite high up the side of the mesa, as you can see here. The buildings below are a water treatment plant and rail yard.

Maciej going up one of the first faces of the day with Edward doing belay. The belay man is constantly watching the climber so that, in case of a fall, he can stop the climbers descent by simply changing the angle he holds the rope. A climber puts his life in his belay mans hands. At the bottom, before the climber starts up, both he and the belay man check each others knots and harnesses to ensure that everything is tied in and clipped properly. Climbing is an awesome display of trust and athleticism. Climbing a shear rock face that most would consider to be physically impossible is a pretty cool feeling too.

Brady and Ed at the base with Maciej on his way up.

1 comment:

  1. Great pix. I thought you were just busy studying, but it looks like you're getting out to see lots of CO.
