07 December 2006

Rocky Mountain National Park

This is just a really quick update. I am really behind on updating this site and I'm really sorry! School is keeping me way too busy, but we are still getting out and about and taking lots of pics of beautiful Colorado. These pics were taken in October at Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)

From left to right, Dongwon, Missy, me, Laura, and Maciej below the sign...we are at 2.3 miles (3.7 km) above sea level here.

Demonstrating the wonders of Dongwon's camera (used to take these pics)...yes that is indeed the sun DIRECTLY BEHIND ME!

Tristan and Maciej chillin...literally

Just another view in Rocky Mountain National Park

From right to left: Maciej, Tristan, Laura, Missy and me

Longs Peak on the far left (yea I climbed that...) and some other large peaks in the Front Range seen from the West in RMNP

I love Colorado...