25 April 2006


Hey everybody...so I'm quite upset at the moment. I spent about 30 mins last night putting up a new post, at the very end, I was running out of time. When I clicked on the post blog button, the internet decided to go through a slow period and of course my internet timer did not. So it did not post. I had some great pics too. I will have to update those again tomorrow.

So for those of you that haven't figured it out yet, I am in Sydney, Australia and absolutely loving it. I have been very busy so far. On my first full day here, I went to the botanical gardens and wandered those, with their amazing views of Sydney Harbour and the Opera House and bridge. I then wandered to the Opera House to check it out before going to Circular Quay to catch a ferry to the Toronga Zoo. I spent the rest of the afternoon there with a brief detour through central Sydney on my walk home from the quay.
The next day, I went to Darling Harbour, Chinatown and the Sydney Aquarium, which was incredible...even better than the zoo in my own opinion. Following that, I wandered down to one of Sydney's older areas, the Rocks for some great cafe and pub life and a weekend pedestrian market on one of the main streets. It was awesome, and more to come on that with the pics.
Today was ANZAC, which is Aus and NZ's form of Remembrance Day/ Veteran's Day. It is also a day when all Aussies get absolutely plastered. So it was cool to see the massive parade of veterans that totally shut down central Sydney as well as all the Aussie spectators being so patriotic. Anyway, more to come with the pics.

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