03 April 2006

Auckland to New Plymouth

Hey everybody, no pics with this post, but I promise to have them soon

New Zealand is Heaven...for me at least. For anybody that comes here, I highly recommend splurging on a rental car. There were so many places today on the bus ride where I wanted to just stop and sit and enjoy the scenery (or take a picture). Driving NZ's intercity roadways is like driving through a never-ending series of picture perfect postcards. The scenery is indescribably beautiful. On the 7 hour trip I went from seeing the North Island's Hill Country, which is the terrain used for the Shire in the Lord of the Rings: bright green rolling hills sprinkled with trees and lots of farmland , to mountainous rainforested valleys with rivers and streams flowing throughout.
Im in New Plymouth now, which is famous for two things: Mt. Taranaki and surf. I still havent seen Mt. Taranaki yet since it is perpetually shrowded in clouds...but if it peeks through, I will get a pic. It is supposedly a perfect cone volcanic mountain with a snowy peak. I really hope I get a glimpse of it! So I am here for the rest of the day today (Tues) and tomorrow before heading to Wellington, NZ's capital, on Thurs.
More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Your tour of the world is like a connect-the-dots guide for travel. Keep it coming.
    The sun has gone down here. We've had high winds and some low visibility. It makes going outside a bit of an adventure. We should start seeing auroras here in a few days. I'll post as many pics of that as I can.
